The Vision

Cultivating Awakened Community
through Spiritual Warriorship,
Empowered Artistry & Earth Based Healing

A world of inter-dependence with all Nature and the Cosmos is being re-membered once again through those committed to personal and communal attunement to the Original Instructions for the betterment of All Life.

We welcome you, dear soul, to EarthStar.
A non-linear, ongoing school- grounded in Martial Arts, ancestral Earth ways and Deep Listening.
A school to discover your path, to practice your discipline, and to expand your knowledge of transformational, elemental arts.
Together we make up a collective of Revolutionaries, Visionary Artists, Healers, Oracles, Mothers, Students, Gardeners and Daughters of the One.
We are so deeply grateful you're here.
Welcome to the Collective

Meet the Founders

Alexandra Crow & Cady Jeanelle

EarthStar Collective is first and foremost, a community. That means the arts, practices and transmissions of all we teach here are ultimately available to all beings.
We are stewards of these ancient mystery teachings, not the owners.
For this reason, we have created a range of accessible tuition options to accommodate all levels of learning. Please reach out if you need guidance or support.
Links to donate and support indigenous elders and organizations below.




Get in touch!

All belongs in the sacred hoop. Please feel free to reach out and share what’s on your mind or your heart. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.